Add photos to a recent event

To add event photos, login to your account and select Manage Existing Events from the Account management panel. Select Edit this event photo Gallery.

Create and publish an event

Login into the website and follow the procedure by answering all mandatory questions.

Delete an event

To delete your event, login to your account and select Manage Existing Events from the Account Management panel. Find your event from the list, and select DELETE THIS EVENT from the option menu.

Edit event information

To update/modify your event details, login and select Manage Existing Events from the Account management panel. Select Manage Events and Gallery. Find the event and select Edit this event details.

Paying for your featured event, advertising or annual membership

All payments may be executed via an e-transfer. Send us an email and we can exchange coordinates.

Promote your event with GreekEvents.ca

Create an event page and promote it with GreekEvents.ca where you will have access to over 3,000 subscribers. Your first post is free! Note: Events will only be posted one month in advance.

Subscribe to the monthly newsletter

From the main page, scroll to the Stay In Touch section. Enter your email address, name and check the box to confirm you are not a robot. Press the Submit button. The monthly subscriptions are free! By subscribing to the monthly newsletter, you will be notified of featured events, and informed that there have been recent additions to the list of current events. Featured events will be listed in the email. For all other events, you will need to visit GreekEvents.ca